Messiah West Coast

Messiah West Coast is a week-long camp where students ages 13 – 18 make lifelong friends while digging into the Scriptures, enjoying the outdoors and connecting with their Creator like never before. We’ve been gathering every year since 2008, and would enjoy it if you joined us! We’re dedicated to providing a safe environment for young people to build lifelong friendships with those who share their faith, so they can build up their spiritual muscles. MWC  2024 is scheduled to take place at Camp Oakhurst, which is about an hour and a half away from Fresno Airport (FAT) and the Safe Haven Farm. For more information, please send an email to:

Statement of Faith

We Believe …
  • That the Scriptures (Old and New Testament) are the infallible word of YHVH.
  • That YHVH is One, and is expressly manifested in numberless ways, and that all these ways are the one True YHVH. (Devariym (Deuteronomy) 6:4)
  • That Yeshua‘ haMashiach is the Word of YHVH, the Son of Elohim manifested in the flesh and is the fullness of Elohim bodily.
  • That salvation is by grace through faith, and that only by the shedding of innocent blood (Yeshua) is there remission of sins.
  • That Yeshua was born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh).
  • That the body of Messiah is composed of all those who believe and have committed themselves to Yeshua, the Seed of the woman, from the beginning.
  • That Yeshua is indeed coming back again, so that where He is, we may be also.
Though not crucial to your salvation, we also believe and teach that …
  • Knowing the culture, language, idioms, and people who penned the scripture is imperative to understanding the New Testament.
  • That the eternal power and the divine nature of YHVH can be understood by what He has made. (Rom. 1:20)
  • The New Testament is Yeshua’s interpretation of the Tanakh (Old Testament).
  • The work and ministry of the Ruach haQodesh is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
  • The Law (Torah) has never redeemed anyone. Redemption is only by His grace through faith. The Torah is designed to bless the followers of the God of Israel.
  • YHVH’s desire, purpose, care, and will for man has never changed. His laws (teachings and instructions) are for us because He loves us so.